Why Women are Different From Men
We’ve come a long way in terms of evolution. Even the simplest form of reproduction was just cloning as per the evidence after the bigRead More

Quidditch is Not Just a Game
I’m a huge potter head. I don’t even remember how many times I’ve seen the movies repeatedly. One fascinating thing that I love about theRead More

I Hope You Get What You Aim For
Ganesh Chaturthi season is coming here in India. For the past couple of weeks, on my way to the gym every morning, I see aRead More

How to Get a Million Dollars When You Retire
One of the worst impression I had a few years ago when I just entered my twenties was that ‘Investments’ are supposed to be whenRead More

We’re in an RPG
Since birth, we constantly choose from various alternatives to go ahead with our day and time. From choosing a colorful pacifier over a boring one,Read More

Procrastination or Hallucination?
Being a huge procrastinator in the past myself, I always used to push stuff for later, and that later would never come. Just like HalfRead More

Don’t Ignore the Obvious
What was the last time you had a problem with your phone and your friend said “try turning it off and back on” and you’reRead More

People Who Don’t Use Emojis
Have you ever been in a situation where you’re text messaging someone (chatting) and the person doesn’t use any form of emojis to convey theirRead More

Create a Bridge Under a Barrier
English is not my first language, It is Marathi, followed by Hindi which is one of the official languages of India, other being English. LanguagesRead More

Can You Live Without Your Phone?
I recently read an article about slot machine used in casinos and how they’re programed/designed to make you feel gratified and achieved when you betRead More