I Hope You Get What You Aim For

I Hope You Get What You Aim For

Ganesh Chaturthi season is coming here in India. For the past couple of weeks, on my way to the gym every morning, I see a sculptor working on Lord Ganesha’s idols. He must’ve around 25-30 of these idols that he’s working on, on a daily basis for the coming season.

The pandemic did a lot of damage last year and just like everything else, even Ganesh festival last year was celebrated in a minimalistic way. But things look good this year. The sculptor seemed positive that his work will sell this year, at least break even. He’s being consistently working on these idols for weeks now, waiting for the season to come where we can sell these idols in the market for people to buy, because he has ‘hope’ that this year it would be different.

He starts from the mold all the way up to the final touch up, and he does that equally on all idols because he doesn’t want any shortage of idols this year. He makes sure each idol of lord Ganesha looks magnificent because he ‘hopes’ that beauty is something drives people to purchase his idols over his competitors and so he would go an extra mile to make sure he makes the sale.

Hope is a great thing, It is that driving factor, that juice we need to keep doing what we do and indulge ourselves in our work and passion to seek what we expect. You join college in hope to get good education, you leave the small town in hope to find a better job in the city, you risk for a new business hoping for it to work and be profitable.

Hope is not something that you create, its something that you believe in. It doesn’t guarantee results, but it gives you the strength to reevaluate future, ‘hopefully’ in a positive way. Things will come as good and bad, but hope is what keeps us going. Never lose hope.

Artwork: https://dribbble.com/shots/4280225-Ganesh-Yantra

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