Be visible to your audience
“Customers want your products and services, not at the speed of light, but at the speed of life, there life.” People buy from people, thisRead More
What blog posts are for?
I’ve mainly used my blogs to articulate what I think during that particular thought circle of canvases or new things that I’ve learned within thatRead More

Aggression is positive
The domineering nature of people is often low key represents their childhood disconnection and need for validation. An aggressive person is often willing to goRead More

Decision making is going to be important
With information and tools overload, choosing becomes crucial. Which podcasts to follow, what apps to make using AI, what startup to build, what restaurant toRead More

Before AI takes over
So I’m finally restarting to write after a long time. The last time I wrote, AI didn’t exist on such a large scale. Now IRead More
You Cannot NOT Offend Anyone!
In order to think properly, you have to risk offending someone that it concerns to. People often saythat you can’t say something or act likeRead More
Where We Went Wrong?
Something went shit down crazy between the cognitive revolution and the agricultural revolution.Humans as we know it, better known scientifically as Homo Sapiens, Homo (theRead More
Be Fearless When You Speak!
The sheer anxiety you feel in a room full of people when you have to give a speech, a presentation, a lecture or lay outRead More

They Don’t Pay Me to Make Templates
So we currently make animated videos for companies trying to explain their products better or market their services using video campaigns. Now there are lotsRead More

It’s Okeh to Be Afraid!
We’re constantly reminded by our friends and family to be strong in difficult situations. “Be strong, this is just a phase”, “Be strong, this tooRead More