Browsing CategoryLife

What blog posts are for?

I’ve mainly used my blogs to articulate what I think during that particular thought circle of canvases or new things that I’ve learned within thatRead More

Where We Went Wrong?

Something went shit down crazy between the cognitive revolution and the agricultural revolution.Humans as we know it, better known scientifically as Homo Sapiens, Homo (theRead More

It’s Okeh to Be Afraid!

It’s Okeh to Be Afraid!

We’re constantly reminded by our friends and family to be strong in difficult situations. “Be strong, this is just a phase”, “Be strong, this tooRead More

What are BAD Habits?

What are BAD Habits?

We label bad habits as ‘bad’ because we think from a general perspective that they harm us in some way. But if that is so,Read More

The Emotional Vocabulary

The Emotional Vocabulary

You go camping with your friends on the weekend and while having the fun it requires sitting around the bonfire you suddenly feel something onRead More