Have Fun The Hard Way
What was the last time you tucked yourself under the covers on a weekend and binge watched a complete TV series in one go? DidRead More

Take Criticism Seriously
My usual reaction to criticism was “how the fuck could he ask me to improve on this part, I know better”. My ego use toRead More

Why Women are Different From Men
We’ve come a long way in terms of evolution. Even the simplest form of reproduction was just cloning as per the evidence after the bigRead More

Quidditch is Not Just a Game
I’m a huge potter head. I don’t even remember how many times I’ve seen the movies repeatedly. One fascinating thing that I love about theRead More

I Hope You Get What You Aim For
Ganesh Chaturthi season is coming here in India. For the past couple of weeks, on my way to the gym every morning, I see aRead More

Do You Need a Degree to Start Business?
I started my company in 2017 with little to no knowledge about starting up, registering the firm, all the formalities involved and just like anyRead More

How to Get a Million Dollars When You Retire
One of the worst impression I had a few years ago when I just entered my twenties was that ‘Investments’ are supposed to be whenRead More

How to Avoid Sales Objection
So I’ve been marketing and talking to potential leads one on one on calls, something that I never thought I would do being an introvertRead More

We’re in an RPG
Since birth, we constantly choose from various alternatives to go ahead with our day and time. From choosing a colorful pacifier over a boring one,Read More

An App That Inspires You Every Morning
Imagine you wake up every morning and unlock your phone. The first thing you see is a message that deliberately tells you why you exist,Read More