What if You Were Happy?
I recently finished reading “Beyond Power, 12 more rules of life” By Jorden B Peterson, and I have to admit it is one of theRead More

Why Are We So Resentful?
How many times have you yelled this sentence “WHY ME?” in pain, anger or grief? Why do we now and then have the feeling thatRead More

Are You Ready to Sacrifice?
In the medieval days as we know it, people use to sacrifice animals as a compensation to the god/devil for them to ease problems thatRead More

What Are You Grateful For?
Life is a fucking rollercoaster. You never know what good/bad news is lingering around the corner. You can plan for it and prepare for itRead More

Does Cold Emailing Still Work?
I’ve been an email marketer since 2012. I stopped around 2015. A lot has changed since then but a lot of things are still theRead More

Avoid Phone Distraction
It’s funny how telephones long ago were connected via wires and slowly we moved into wireless landlines and mobile phones. The Idea was to makeRead More

Idea to Product 1: Product Creation Process
It’s all fancy and crap to start a new startup that has an unique product that serves a solution to one or more problems forRead More

Next Stop, Podcasts
Audio books have started picking up in India. It’s quite easy to commute or work while having an audio book running in the background. It’sRead More

How to Write Better To-do Lists
I’ve talked about writing to-do lists in my previous posts. I recently took it one step further and I think it will work for mostRead More

Machine Language is the Future
Software development and programming in general is going to skyrocket as a career choice in the near future. With everything going digital, IOT and technical,Read More