Aggression is positive

Aggression is positive

The domineering nature of people is often low key represents their childhood disconnection and need for validation. An aggressive person is often willing to go beyond the guardrails in order to posses more power, control and dominate.

Every human has a tendency to assert to have it their way. Be in their career, relationship or social hierarchy. We are the stories that we tell ourselves and it often results in justifying why we did something we weren’t suppose to do. Like cutting off your colleague for a promotion by justifying that you deserved it more than them or they didn’t do enough of good work.

Similar is justified in relationships to have greater control over your partner manifested by the fear of losing them or being taken away by someone else. Humans show aggression and they aren’t that good at channelizing it. If if it’s redirected with awareness, it could be a productive tool. Like dominating kings who actually cared about their kingdom and made peace through aggression or calculated aggression in sports to just kick it up a notch.

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