I'am Shivam Warthi

UX Design Product Design Digital Production Marketing Lead Generation Content Creation Business Management Figuring out Life!

About Me

Let's figure out life together!

Technology driven and innovation enthusiast. Carried out operations in terms of product innovation and marketing. Core background of digital design and B2B marketing, I've worked with small, mid-scale and large-scale companies to optimize marketing campaigns, design products and delivery systems, Marketing sales funnels and lead generation in multiple industries.

I'm no expert but the reason I started this website is first, the domain was available, and second, I had crazy ups and downs in life and I think I can relate to you in your twenties more closely than all the other experts for life and career to thrive and make sense of it. With little to no clue about life, I want you to hop on with my on this journey to discover meaning, peace and new skills to thrive and seek leisure.

What can you expect:
Real Questions, business insights, life stories.
Hacking Life:
Life hacks, Business hacks, loopholes, tit-bits
On the technical side:
Tutorials, How to tech, Software tips,
Thoughts, Quotes, Business Exercises, Self-Growth.
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